What Others Miss

Now is the time to look, attend, be aware, pay heed to the infinite world.IMG_1520.JPGIn the words of Mary Oliver's wonderful poem:

There is a fire in the lashes of my eyes.It doesn't matter where I am, it could be in a small room.The glimmer of gold Böhme saw on the kitchen potWas missed by everyone else in the house.

I have always wanted to be one of those people Henry James talks about:

Therefore, if I should certainly say to a novice, "Write from experience, and experience only," I should feel that this was a rather tantalising monition if I were not careful immediately to add, "Try to be one of the people on whom nothing is lost!"

Monition. Now there's a word you don't hear too much these days. It's a word worth reviving.Because...look!​[wpvideo vsp8npFk]​On the Isle of Skye, sheep! Dawdlers supreme, and a monition to attend to this minute. The only minute we really ever have.


Unlocking the Mysteries


The Other Side of History