Lies, Activism, and Books for Young People

1984In the Age of Trump, when "alternative facts" are touted as real and the highest seat in the executive branch of the United States government is occupied by a liarsales of George Orwell's 1984 are booming, and we're suddenly reminded that the young have to be our last best hope.My own chapter book, Book Uncle and Me, written back in 2010 or so and originally published in India in 2012, is a story of politics, corruption, and a kid who has to take her nose out of her book and do something. It now seems surprisingly relevant, and has made it onto a few lists  in the last couple of months.From The Horn Book,  here is a nonfiction list of books about young people making a difference. And finally, look at this year's ALA awards list! I'd like to think that books as always can offer us a tiny ray of hope. The children's and YA book world must keep its focus on diversity, justice, and inclusion, especially in the face of racism and isolationism. That's the truth.


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