Writers Supporting Refugees in Canada

Writer and author of books for young readers  Robin Stevenson asked if I'd like to moderate a panel she's putting together. Unfortunately, I couldn't make that date, but the panel is in a cause that's worth writing about and somehow it seems right to publish this post on September 11.Robin-Stevenson_event_08-30-18-Poster.jpg20180606-20180606-_M8A1619.jpgI asked Robin to tell me more about her forthcoming event. Here is what she wrote:

Like many Canadians, I got involved in refugee sponsorship back in 2015, when the refugee crisis was headline news. Since that time, media interest has waned, but the number of refugees worldwide has continued to grow. Canadians have a unique opportunity to help: by joining with others to form sponsorship groups, we can help more refugees resettle in our communities. I’ve been a part of two groups sponsoring wonderful families who are now living here in Victoria, and I have started a third group—this one to sponsor an 18 year old girl who fled persecution in her country two years ago, and has been on her own as a refugee since. She is highly vulnerable in her current situation-- we hope her case will be processed quickly so she can start a new phase of her life here in Victoria.Part of the commitment of a sponsorship group is financial: the group commits to supporting the refugee for their first year in Canada. So we are fundraising. And because I am a writer who loves working with other writers, I am working with author and sponsorship group member Kari Jones to organize an event that combines our interest in refugee justice with our love for all things literary. It is called Pathways to Publication: Finding a Home for Your Children's Book or Teen Novel, and it will take place Saturday October 27, in Esquimalt.We will have two panels: one of successful authors— Susan Juby, Mahtab Narsimhan, Ria Voros and Laurie Elmquist--and one of professional editors of picture books, middle grade and young adult novels. There will be opportunities to ask questions and chat with the panelists. And there will be door prizes! You could even win the chance to get a chapter of your own manuscript critiqued by a published author.Tickets are available on EventBrite. (link:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/pathways-to-publication-tickets-49233930010) I hope to see you there! And if you can’t come, but want to support this young refugee, please consider donating through our fundraising page. (link: https://chimp.net/groups/victoria-young-refugee-sponsorship-group) Every dollar gets us closer to our goal. Thanks so much!

And thank you, Robin, for those important thematic links of community and home--for writers, for the work they care about, and for these young people who have endured horrific circumstances and whose future now depends on the help and goodwill of strangers.


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