Following the Story Trail at Highlights

My two hour hike turned out to be a kind of living metaphor for the writing of any large work--a novel, a nonfiction book--where you can't see the forest for the trees.IMG_2108I got lost more than once. I followed the blazes on the trail.The well-marked trail I was blazing with enthusiasm branched off into an unmarked ramble. There was a trail but it didn't quite sync with the map.The leaves crunched pleasantly under my feet.I passed the same tree three times and each time I noticed something new about it.I was uneasily aware that this was tick country.A flock of blue jays diverted and distracted me so I lost track of time.A major signpost pointed firmly to the last stretch--but was upside down.Yup. All in a day's work. Highly recommended. What's the point of writing (or hiking) if you don't take risks?

Smell the Lemon Soap


"Water is another matter"